Friday, 31 January 2014


Hi guys so over the next 3 days or so I will be posting the ILNP Ultra Chromes, I will warn you now that there will be lots and lots of pictures in each post, you can skip them if you want but I just wanted to give you a heads up! I started off with around 500 pictures of the 3 polishes and it took me a weekend to go through and edit and watermark them all! 

I really hope you enjoy them because they are stunning, I was someone who didn't really care for duo/multichromes before but I fell so hard for these. Every single time I have worn these people have asked me how I did it, or where the nail polish was from or how it worked and honestly I've had so so many compliments. 

Ok, so today I have Birefringence, this primarily shows blue and purple but it shows loads of other colours too and it looks phenomenal underwater, I know some people don't see the point in underwater shots but they're pretty and I like pretty things so yeah. I've also included a gif to show the colour shift. 
Below is two coats and one coat of top coat. 

Click read more to see the rest of the pictures. 
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Thursday, 30 January 2014


Hey chicas, how are you all doing? 
 I've just got a lovely combination I wore a while ago. I had worn Squeeze Me for a day and then whilst browsing my stash I rediscovered Clairvoyant by Cult Nails. Remember when everyone was crazy about this polish? 

Ok, so that's it, yeah I think I'm over flakies, which is a real shame because I remember how much I used to love them. I do still have a few which I love namely the Finger Paints flakies from 2011, I was lucky to get the whole set from the beautiful Karen in a swap :D This polish never really lived up to the hype for me, how do you feel about this polish and flakies?  

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Wednesday, 29 January 2014


Hey everybody, what have you been up to today? Yesterday I got my recent exam results and I passed them all, yaay! So today I decided to treat myself to some Illamasqua polishes, yaay! I can't wait for them to come :)
Today I have another beautiful Catrice polish to show you, this is Squeeze Me, I wasn't sure if I'd like this but when I put it on I fell in love! It has such beautiful shimmer in it. 
I've used two coats below and one coat of top coat. 

I layered something beautiful over this so check back tomorrow to see what I layered over the top and don't forget to smile :)

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Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Hey everybody, how are you all? I am super tired and drained today, I've been up since 6am and today me and my friends went bowling and despite my nails already being nubs I managed to break my thumb nail, so now it's a super nub, haha!
So today I have a really pretty polish to show you, this is Catrice Purple Reign. It has gorgeous blue microflakes in it but they're more visible in the bottle than on the nail and more in direct light too. It has a lovely formula and I've used two coats below and one coat of top coat. 

I'm not sure if this is being discontinued or if it's part of the core range now but either way if you don't have this you need it! 

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Monday, 27 January 2014


Hey my beautiful friends, how are you all? Aren't you glad Monday is over, well actually the whole of January feels like a very long Monday to me! Haha, anyone else share this ?
Ok so today I have one of my favourite nail polishes to share with you. I loved Miss Conduct when I first saw it but I always thought it had actual glitter in it so when I did finally get this I was happy to note that in fact there isn't any glitter in it. 
It's a gorgeous pink colour (it looks pinker and brighter in my pictures) and has this beautiful scattered holo throughout. 
It applies effortlessly and dries fast, doesn't really require topcoat and is easy to remove which means this is one of my go to polishes when I'm in hurry! Don't you wish all polishes were like this?

I really like this type of polish and so now I want all the Zoyas like this eg. Blaze, Aurora etc. 

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Sunday, 26 January 2014


Hey guys, how's your weekend been? I've spent about 15 hours this weekend editing blog photos and getting some posts ready! 
Ok, so today I have a nail art fail to share with you today. I was inspired by this beautiful mani by Lucy  and thought I'd try it out for myself. I started off with two coats of Illamasqua Creator and then sponged on some red, green and blue to give a galaxy like appearance and then painted on the stars using white acrylic paint. On the ring finger I decided to do a half moon with the white and oh my goodness it turned into the worst half moon I've ever seen in my life! Haha  

I wasn't going to show this but I believe part of blogging is sharing our failures, we are only human aren't we and it's our failures which help us grow improve. Ok guys, enjoy your Monday! 

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Saturday, 25 January 2014


Hey guys, so it's my last weekend before my second semester starts at uni so I'm editing loads of blog photos this weekend so when I'm busy all I have to do is type up the post and publish! 
Today I have another vault mani to show you. I love skittles but I feel like I'm rubbish at them so hardly do them but I know that there are loads of different designs you can create with rhombus glequins so I decided to do a skittlette mani using just 3 different coluored rhombus glequins. 
I started off with two coats of Kiko 340 and then made small cubes on the ring finger, a zig zag pattern on the middle nail, which I really liked and must do again, and on the pinky and pointy nails I did a small cube in the center next to the cuticle. 

I quite like it but unfortunately the pictures haven't turned out as nice as I'd have liked!
 To do all my nails it took about an hour which, when it comes to glitter placement, is not long. So you can try it out and it shouldn't take you too long but your nails will still be super sparkly and pretty :)

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Friday, 24 January 2014


Hey guys, so I initially post this polish for a swap that didn't happen! It looked so gorgeous in the bottle but I wasn't sure if I should keep it. I decided to swatch it though to show you it. I used two coats and no topcoat 
It has a lovely scattered holo with beautiful golden shimmer? which didn't really show up on the pictures. It's so unique and beautiful but I don't think it suits me.

Do you own this? What do you think of it?

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Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Hey guys, how are you all?
So recently I went to Sally's to check out their sale and whilst there I decided to try out a Morgan Taylor polish. I did look for Under The Stars but they didn't have it, instead they had the new collection out and this was one polish that caught my eye so it ended up coming home with me. I think it was ยฃ10.99 I try not to can't remember, haha! 
I shared a sneaky peak on my instagram a few days and intrigued a few minds so I won't keep you waiting any longer. Below is two coats and one coat of topcoat. 

OMG I LOVE THIS!! I thought it might be a dupe for Chanel Taboo but it's not however it is similar. Do you want to see a comparison?
The polish glides on beautifully and the bottle and everything just feel so luxurious and expensive! I love it and will definitely be buying more! Do you have any Morgan Taylor polishes and what do you think of them?

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Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Hi guys, long title! If you follow me on instagram you know that I shared a sneaky peak of a gorgeous polish yesterday which I said I'd show you today but I completely forgot that this was still waiting to be posted, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see that!
Ok, so I recently got some square glequins and other bits from Viva La Nails to review and here's one of the designs I created with them. I was particularly interested in the square glitter because you guys know I've been on a quest to find the perfect square glitter and their pictures looked promising!
So I receive the blue, pink, red and gold holographic squares, these are on the small size which is why I didn't do a full glitter placement with them because I wanted to create something that was easy and quick for you guys to recreate,  I think they're 1mm.
 I started off with two coats of OPI Sweetheart and then I applied the glequins, I have a tutorial for you later in the post so be sure to click the read more button. 

Click read more to see the tutorial, my review and a discount code for you :)
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Monday, 20 January 2014


Hi guys, super quick post today. For these nails I did two coats of China Glaze For Audrey on the middle and accent nail and then two coats of Illamasqua Jo'mina on the rest of the nails. I then applied a strip of holographic silver diamond glequins before applying one coat of topcoat. 

I love it, what do you think ?

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