
Monday 30 December 2013


*press sample

Hey guys, one thing about the holiday period is I never know what day it is so I didn't realise it was Monday until about 5 minutes ago, haha. Does that happen to you too?

So recently I got a lovely package full of glitter from The Glitter Shop, they sent me some amazing glitters which you'll see over the next couple of weeks. I'll also be doing a review of the store in the near future so be sure to look out for that. Included in the package were the same type of holographic glitter in OPI I Snow You Love Me but in different colours and I have the black one to show you today!

I started off with 2 coats of Essie Good As Gold, which I picked up for £2 from The Original Factory Shop on holiday, it's a really nice gold and it covers in just one coat and it's not to brushstrokey. I then used the black glitter disc glequins* and just working from one side I just did rows of the glitter until I got to the bottom, then I used some scissors to cut the glequins in half so they'd fit at the cuticle. Finally I applied two coats of topcoat and done!

(I recently bought myself a dslr camera and specialist macro lens so some of the pictures above are using those, I'm still getting the hang of it so they aren't perfect !) 
Black and Gold just scream New Years to me and I think it's the only time of the year that I actually wear this colour combo, what about you guys?

I love these nails, they're still sparkly but subtle in a way because the black holo glequins aren't as in your face as some of the other glitter. If this is not as sparkly as you'd like them then check back tomorrow because I'm sure tomorrows post will please you!

You can buy these glequins here, for some reason they're only showing the silver ones at the moment but if you email them I'm sure they'll be happy to help you, and they're only £1.99 for a 30g bag which is really cheap in my eyes because I bought a 3g pot of the silver glequins on ebay for £1.90 I think!

*Some of the products in this post were sent to me for my review. See my disclosure policy for more details

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Love these so much! Great color combo those glequins and gorgeous!!! :)


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