
Tuesday 31 December 2013

BEST OF 2013

Hi everyone, I had planned to show you some blindingly sparkly nails which are perfect for New Years today but I'm saving that for tomorrow now because I want to share my 'best of' for 2013. 
It's unbelievable how quickly time goes by but this year has been the most life changing year for me, all I can say really is dreams do come true, even if that sounds cheesy!
So let's get on to polish business shall we. 

Just click on the read more button to see the rest of the post :)

Ok so, this year I've hardly bought any nail polish, mainly because nothing has really grabbed me, or grabbed me enough to spend a lot of money on shipping etc. so my best nail polishes of 2013 is a very short list! 

So lets begin with my top nail polishes 

These first 3 are all tied in first position: 

Chanel Taboo

 This is my first full priced Chanel and I love it so so much. I've worn it about 4 times so far, I only wear though when I know I'm going to keep it on for a few days so it then doesn't feel like I'm wasting it, does that make sense?

The ILNP UltraChromes

These are hand on heart the most beautiful nail polishes I have ever seen and again I think I spent £11 inc p&p on each one, which definitely makes it a more expensive purchase for me but they are worth every penny. Every single time I've worn any of the Ultra Chromes I have had compliments from everyone who looks at my hands, either from uni or work or even out shopping. All I can say is that if you haven't bought these yet, do, you will not be disappointed. I will have the swatches up very soon so here's a sneak peak today!

ILNP Cygnus Loop

ILNP Birefringence

ILNP Mutagen
This one is also really beautiful and it narrowly missed out on the top 3!

Coincidentally these were also my most expensive nail polish purchases this year.
There is a great quote which my dad has in his surgery which is 'Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten' and that is so true with these four. 

Ok, so the rest aren't in any order. 

OPI - When Monkey's Fly

The big gold glitter and the holographic glitter is just amazing and I don't think I've seen this combination of glitter before.
I know there was a bit of drama surrounding this polish but I loved it even if the glitter curled badly so I bought and when I pulled this out again to swatch I realised that the curling gold glitters are now flat! I'm not sure why or how but I'm not complaining, you should check your bottle too because I know the same thing has happened to others too!

Maybelline - Chalk Dust

I think this was the first affordable drugstore black and white glitter available in the UK and I love it!
I love that there's no bar glitter in there and I've used this so much since I got it.

OPI - Which is Witch?

This is another polish that I knew I needed as soon as I saw it, it looks so delicate and this is what I call fairy dust in my book! This is another glitter topper I've work quite a bit since I got it.

GOSH - High School Flirt

This is just a beautiful nude with a lovely formula. I've used this as a base for nail art quite a bit too.

Color Club - The Uptown

This is nice too, I had to get it when I saw it. I love the squishy jelly look.

Ok, so that's it for my favourite polishes of 2013.
 Lush Lacquer Polish Me Silly - Clowning Around would have been in this list too but my base has developed a slight pink tint which has kind of put me off and I haven't used it again, has yours done this?

Next up:

Best mainstream collection - The Oz Great and Powerful by OPI
Best Indie Collection - ILNP Ultra Chromes
Best Nail Trend - Glequins/Glitter Placement 
Worst Nail Trend - Hairy Glitter and some textures (not all)
Favourite Brand - Hands down, without a doubt, Illamasqua. I have had a huge love affair with Illamasqua with year, I love their products, I love their customer service and how they engage with bloggers on twitter, instagram etc. My collection has gone from 3 polishes to 32 polishes and I still have quite a few on my wishlist! 

Now it's time for my favourite nail art of the year. 
Click on the pictures to be taken to the original post

In no particular order:

I did my first glitter placement this year and I fell in love with it. I love the sparkly result and it may sound crazy but sometimes I like to 'escape' when I'm sitting at my desk for hours and applying bits of glitter to my nails!  You may have noticed I've been posting a lot of glequin nails recently and I have been re inspired by Polish All The Nails and her unbelievable creations. So expect to see many more glequins nails next year!

So, that's a wrap for this year then folks, I'd like to thank you all for reading, commenting, liking my posts and pictures. I appreciate and read every single comment from you guys, sometimes I don't get a chance to reply and I'm really sorry about that!
Ok guys, have an amazing New Years and I hope 2014 is an amazing year for us all :)

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