
Monday 11 March 2013


I'm so tired but I had to show you this awesome mani I did a little while ago !
I bought some black matte hex glitter from ebay about a year ago hoping to be able to use it for frankening but after a few weeks it lost it's colour (which annoyed me a little because the small pot was about £3.50) so they'd just been sitting in the draw for ages ! So the other day I decided to use them as glequins ! Unfortunately these are a bit smaller then the regular Born Pretty Store glequins which may be the reason it took me about 3 hours to do these 4 nails (I didn't do the thumb because  at that point I was going cross eyed lol !) 
Anyways, not really got anything else to say about these nails, they were very simple to do but very very time consuming ! The overall effect though is one of the best in my opinion, what do you think?


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