
Thursday 14 March 2013


Oh gosh, I am cream crackered but I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd type this post up for you guys quickly.
Today I'm showing you another polish I picked up from the Illamasqua sale (I wish I'd got more) this is Baptiste. A really really gorgeous purple with crazy shimmer, it has a bit of a duochromey look to it in the bottle but it doesn't translate to the nail, the shimmer does though ! 
My pictures aren't the best here because this beauty is a pain to photograph ! It's actually a bit darker than the photos ! 

 You'll see this polish again in my next post with an added extra !  Until then :)


  1. LOVE Baptiste !! Looks purdy on ya :)

  2. what a deep colour!
    Love it.

  3. I got this in the sale too! Bargian for a fiver :-)

  4. Gorgeous! I missed the sale entirely--probably just as well given the state of my stash overflow. :)

    1. It really is ! Aww a shame about the sale but it may have been a good thing because lots of international people still haven't got their orders because of the new uk postal restrictions ! I think you should get this one though, it's super pretty and I saw something about a sale on Illamasqua polishes in Sephora on Facebook !


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