
Thursday 12 April 2012


Well here's some of the lovely new polishes I got these past 2 weeks, I've felt guilty enough about buying all of these so I'm not going to start going on about how I shouldn't have blaah blah ... 
Anyway I got quite a few and got some of my first polishes from some brands 

My first Butter london's, L-R , Blagger, Hen Party, Lady Muck

My first DL (razzle dazzle from my last haul has gone to live with Alanna so check out her blog for swatches), L-R, Deborah Lippmann - Just walk away Renee, Chanel -Rose Insolent, Revlon - Stormy

L-R (top), Barry M Pale Pink, Neon Pink (given to me by a friend who didn't like it !), Pink Flamingo, (bottom) Red Black, Turquoise, Blue Moon, Berry Ice Cream  

Nails Inc Wellington, Essence It's purplelicious 

Golden rose scale effects 3, 15 (I found these on ebay , I've wanted them for the longest time but they're discontinued so couldn't get them ! )

Zoya renew, speed dry drops 

Well that's all I bought in the last week, I've also got some amazing swap mail and other nail mail which I'll show you in another post : ) 
Do you have any of these polishes?


  1. I have barry m peach melba,berry ice cream and pink flamingo. They are amazing! Can't wait to see swatches of them all especially blue moon and wellington

    1. I'm waiting to get my revlon whimsical so I can layer it with blue moon ; )

    2. That's going to look amazing! You will struggle to take that off :P

  2. Oh awesome!! What a glorious haul!! :D

  3. Great haul. I don't have any of these, even though I do own a bunch of Barry M polishes .:)

  4. where do you buy essence in uk?

  5. No but I want some of these lol

  6. Awesome! Can't wait to see swatches :3


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