
Tuesday 10 April 2012


Yep this is kind of a late easter mani, I should have posted this earlier but ... you know ; )
Anyway here it is,I'm not totally happy with this because I wanted to use a mint green and pale pastel yellow instead of the peachy colour on the pinky but my polishes were locked upstairs in the den and it was cold ! loll Also I wanted to use my trusty Jessica polish in double dipped which is the exact colour for chocolate, anyway I made do with what I had and was a great chance to try out some of my recent untrieds ! : ) (haul + nail mail posts coming v. soon ; )

L-R , Barry m - pale pink, blue lagoon, berry ice cream, Nails Inc - wellington square 

I've been helping a lot more in the garden and stuff so please excuse the terrible condition of my hands and cuticle, my hands get really dry and the skin around my nails, does anyone have any recommendations for a good hand cream or some other remedy?

*EDIT* - Giveaway entries are being verified, there were a lot of false entries, Winner will be announced soon 


  1. I'm not sure what's available in the UK but I like to use Palmers Cocoa Butter. I really like this mani. :)

    1. yep we have that here : ) shockingly I've never tried it ! (will have to change that )

  2. Really good idea o.O I love soft colours!! Are very nice!Cute mani, dear.

  3. Beautiful, the matte look captures the eggs perfectly x

  4. thankyou ladies, I'm glad you all liked this mani : )

  5. Such a clever effect. I like it!


I love all your comments, but please don't spam with your blog links, if you want me to look at your blog please drop me an email at instead, thanx : )