
Sunday 3 July 2011


helooooww lovelies, how are you all today?
i am sooo very tired, it's been a crazy weekend, which has consisted of 3 bbq, loads of people coming round, huge headaches, lots of crying, too much sunshine (amazing sun for swatching etc. but sadly no time) and oh i don't know if i mentioned this before, but my dad has decided to build a shed himself (and no he is not a builder) and that means we all have to help out and it completely tiring, running around all day and on top of that everyone's been obsessed with bbq and lucky me has had to prepare a tonne of food ! oh but i made this amazing coconut cream pie (if i may say so myself hehe) i forgot to take a picture and when i remembered it'd all finished!
anyway i've got a quick mani for you today, this was inspired by my dress, lol 
i sponged on the base, but the colours kind of changed !

yep, it's not perfect, the colours aren't even right and the flowers are dodgy ! but it's alright 

 well i'll talk to you again soon ladies, take care xxxxx

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