
Monday 4 July 2011


hey everybody, hi dr nick, 'xcuse the simpsons reference lol, im in one of my hyper moods again lol, it might be this nail polish loll,
you might remember my hauls from sometime ago, well it contained opi 'all shook up' i found out it's an old opi and it's been discontinued, anyway when i went to go and put it in my stash i found lo and behold it was very similar to zoya sylvie so i thought i'd do a comparison for you
oh yeah and another thing i have organised my stash by colour and i just couldn't decide if this should go pink or red, (i may just be colour blind lol) so i got the help of none other than my 7 yr old brother and when he said pink, it went in with the pinks !

anyway on to the pictures

bottle shot

 middle and little finger have opi , the other two fingers zoya

this is the thumb, the left half is opi the other half is zoya, and you can see the overlap in the middle loll 

close up of the zoya, it's more red than the opi and its thinner and sheerer, this needed 3 coats 

and this is the opi, look at the hint of pink/purple in there !! this could have been a one coater, but i did 2 

overall these 2 are quite similar but also quite different lol, i think i need both but i'm not too sure. 
i love the colour of them both and must admit even though i have tonnes of red nail polish, i haven't worn any red in months, last time i wore it someone made a comment about how my nails looked like prostitute nails and i know i shouldn't care about what people say but it did put me off a little, but after this i am definitely wearing this again : ) 

see ya soon ladies 

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