
Saturday 25 June 2011


aloha ladies, here's part 2

its a small haul from lena white, i am telling all you uk ladies there's a big sale on at lena white so head down, let me show you what i got
what can be inside ? ...

yes, its my new beauties : ) the opi glitters from the burlesque collection 

i really feel like i deserved these, i have had noo money for the past month and haven't bought anything recently and i'm also in desperate need of a job, now schools finishing in the next few weeks, i'm off job hunting lol. there were loads of other nail polishes there too but i decided to behave and only buy a few and i've wanted these for ages! they didn't have show it and glow it or sparkle-icious : ( but i'm still soo chuffed with these ! 

i know you will have seen millions of swatches of these ages ago but i need to share my excitement loll, enjoy :  )
L - R extra-va-vaganza, simmer & shimmer, bring on the bling, glow up already

sorry it's only swatched on one finger, i didn't have it in me today to remove all that glitter (this was more than enough hassle lol )

 bottle shot! 

simmer and shimmer, my favourite :  ) *swoon*


 bring on the bling ( i think, i find this one and glow up already too similar) 

and finally, glow up already  

aren't they gorgeous, even my dad approves lollz

oh and another thing i noticed, look at this code thing engraved into the lid, it isn't on any other of my opi'si think they might have done it to stop fakes, i'm not sure, are there any codes on your opi lids?

ok take care my lovelies, (psst, part 3 is more frankens)

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