
Friday 24 June 2011


hey y'all lol  (i never say that lol), over the next couple of days i am going to show you some major glittah bling bling nails !! i have been experimenting hehe 
warning: sunglasses are advisable ! 

this is my first franken ever, i think it turned out ok but it's quite bumpy, please let me know what you think 

 here's how it started, i bought this glitter from ebay agess ago and yes it's fake mac, but i only found out about a year ago lol, it's meant to be for eyes, but the glitter particles are just too big and messy for eyes, imo. its really holo-y, gorgeous !


so i just mixed it with some clear nail polish ....

looks like rectangle glitter or lights hmm, this needs t be enlarged!

i just couldn't capture the holo in this, well look at the sky : ( 

and as soon as i took this off, the bloomin sun decides to show its face : I

unfortunately, in the bottle all the glitter sinks to the bottom of the bottle thats why i didn't include any bottle pics, its a bit bumpy and gritty, but its missing a tc, but what do you think? 


  1. I like it! I can never resist a good glitter bomb!

  2. Pretty! I love frankens like this. I always use at least two thick coats of topcoat over them to get them smooth - then they look glassy AND super sparkly!


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