Wednesday, 30 August 2017


Hi guys, this is my first post this year! I honestly didn't think it'd been that long! This could be a long chatty introduction so if you just want to see the polishes just scroll past this and click on the read more :)

So what's been happening? Not an awful lot, I've been busy with school and my family and friends, trying to make the most of life really (sounds so cringe, sorry). 
As my clinical time at uni has been increased over the past few years it means I haven't been able to wear polish much, in fact I've gone months and months without touching any polish! I've been trying to destash as well because we moved house and I just have no room or need for 1000+ nail polish bottles. I still have loads to get rid of so if you want/need anything hit me up! 
Anyway I'm now going into my fifth and final year and yes it's so cliche but I honestly do not know where the time has gone. It's gonna be a busy and stressful year, if you can, please remember me in your prayers, it's very much appreciated (& needed!)

The most exciting recent thing that's happened lately is that I've been across the pond for the past month! My university sent me on an amazing student exchange program to Boston University for 2 weeks and it was one of the most rewarding and amazing experiences of my life. I then went off to New York where I met up with my family who came over and joined me for a lovely holiday!
I met some incredible people and made some amazing friends, did some sneaky shopping, went whale watching (this was definitely a highlight), ate so so much good food and of course did all the touristy things. I got back to England a few days ago and I've definitely got the holiday blues. Boston was so amazing and it now holds a very special place in my heart, I'm not sure when I'll return, hopefully soon! Anyone reading this from Boston? Leave me a comment! 

And of course NYC lived up to it's expectations, I had such a good time there. One regret? I didn't go to Nordstrom Rack which I've now heard has amazing discounted makeup! Ah well, next time! I'll be posting some holiday pics on instagram so head there if you want to see them.

I could write so much more but I think that's enough for now. Ok lets get back to business and talk polish.

 I have been on the hunt for some breathable/water permeable polish for a while and yes I know loads of companies are popping up now with their own products and Inglot have also got quite a vast range of polishes in their O2M collection. Whilst the colours are pretty I feel like they're more tailored for the slightly older ladies and not really my thing. I was waiting for a more mainstream company to release their own line (it is only a matter of time) and Orly delivered. 

So just before I get into the polishes, for those wondering what all this 'breathable' is about. In Islam before praying Muslims undergo an ablution/cleansing process called 'wudu'. Nail polish prevents water from contacting the nail bed and so there is debate on whether polish interferes with wudu resulting in  many Muslim women choosing not to wear nail polish. Water permeable polishes help solve this issue, however there will always be debate on their permissibility and I can't comment on that. 
This review is for those who are interested in the swatches and a review on Orly's Breathable line. 

Whilst in the US I picked up most of the colours in the line (or so I thought, turns out Orly have added another 20 or so colours to the collection) there were a some more but I couldn't see myself wearing them so passed on them. 
These have a base and top coat built in so I've been using these on their own. 

Apply smoothly, nice and evenly 
Only require 2 coats to reach full opacity. 

Dry Time:
My only issue is they do take a bit longer to dry, but I can't remember the last time I didn't use Seche Vite and actually sat and waited for polish to dry. 

So beautifully glossy and smooth, no topcoat required with these

Wear time:
They wear fairly well, earliest I got chips was 5 days I think and I was packing and moving 
Tip wear does start to appear after 2/3 days depending on what your doing 
On my toes I've had it on for 3 weeks and it's been perfect!


I purchased these for $8.99 from Duane Reade/Walgreens, Sally's Beauty Supply, Ulta and Orly.
In England they are £11.99 on the Superdrug website, I'm not sure where else they are available, I'll update once I have more info. 

All swatches are 2 coats, no topcoat or base coat. 

Pamper Me

Powder Packed

Feeling Free

Love My Nails

Pick Me Up

The Antidote - this colour is so shiny, juicy and stunning in real life - one of my favourites

Stronger Than Ever - so shiny in real life, my pictures don't do it justice 

Nourishing Nude - the PERFECT nude colour I have been hunting for 

Give Me a Break


I hope you enjoyed them! It was a long post, especially if you read all of that! These polishes are a huge winner in my book and when I get more shades, I will hopefully swatch them as well and either add to this post or make a part II so look out for that. 

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