
Monday 31 March 2014


Hey guys, how are you all? I have a day off today I feel ill, my throat is red, sore and hurting and I have an earache and a headache, not that I'm complaining ;( 
So here are some nails I forgot to post!
I love geometric nails and was in the mood recently, I decided to use 2 of the polishes from the Illamasqua Paranormal collection, I used Omen and Seance and used black acrylic paint for all the detail. It's really easy to do and I've included a tutorial after the break if you want to recreate this :)

What you will need:

Base Coat (not pictured) 
Black acrylic paint and nail art brush OR a black polish striper
2 or more polishes to fill in the triangles, I used Illamasqua Omen and Illamasqua Seance
Top Coat (not pictured)

STEP 1 - After base coat draw 2 vertical lines on the nail, they don't have to be perfect as they'll mostly get covered up. 

STEP 2 - Paint a small diagonal line between the two vertical lines. 

STEP 3- Repeat step 2 over the whole nail, alternating the direction of the smaller lines to create the triangle shape. Remember this doesn't have to be perfect as this is just a template/guideline.

STEP 4 - Start filling in alternating triangles with the same colour, this doesn't have to be neat or perfect either, just keep in the lines.

STEP 5- Using your other colour fill in the rest of the triangles on the nail. 

STEP 6 - Using your black go over the lines we drew at the beginning. Try to be neat with this stage, take your time and rest your hand on the table to help you create a neater line.  

STEP 7 - Clean up the excess polish and paint and apply top coat. 

Ta daa! It's really easy to do and it doesn't take as long as you'd think! 
If you try it out, feel free to share with me via Email/Instagram/Facebook/Twitter etc. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this tutorial. So that is how to do that mani. Love the color combos and the design is awesome. I never knew that its that easy. I will try it out.


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