
Thursday 29 August 2013


*This is a scheduled post* 

I'm still experimenting with gradients, this time I've done the gradient diagonally across the nail, For this I used Illamasqua Grab and China Glaze Def Defying. The placement of this gradient was a bit tricky if you get what I mean, so all the nails weren't really the same! I then added one coat of Ninja Polish Sticks n' Stones. 

I loved this, well I kinda love all gradients! Tee hee


  1. I love your diagonal gradient! What a great idea! :)

  2. This is such a cool gradient. I don't think I've ever seen a diagonal gradient and it is really cool! I love the colors you chose as well :)

  3. Really love this - please, please add a subscribe via email option - bloglovin is not working again - they had major issues last week for over 6 days where nothing came up off the dashboard when you clicked but for blank pages - it was fixed for 1 day and now is back doing the same thing - they know they have problems but are not doing very much to fix it...yikes - that's all they do is push out blogs...come on folks it's your job...I have to just skip over all blogs I put on Bloglovin - don't have time to hunt them down on the web individually...and I hate social media...don't use it anymore but for tweeting in live events. I figured I should tell bloggers how bad things have been with bloglovin in case they don't know and see if they can write and bug Bloglovin to fix it! You all are going to loose a ton of followers....I already hate Bloglovin cause I never go to my dashboard - I catch it in my email notices they send and link off there...yuck - what a mess.


I love all your comments, but please don't spam with your blog links, if you want me to look at your blog please drop me an email at instead, thanx : )