
Monday 6 May 2013


Hi guys, so I hope you all enjoyed your bank holiday here in the uk :) Today I have a new tutorial for you! 
I've recently posted quite a few glitter gradient mani's here, here and here and subsequently had a few requests for a tutorial so here you are guys! 
I have lots more glitter gradients to show you in upcoming posts so I thought now would be a good time to share this tutorial with you in case you wanted to try it out for yourselves!

Ok, let's get started, I've done my regular pictorial but I've also included a little diagram at the end of the tutorial to help explain a little bit better!

What you will need 
Base Coat 
Base Colour (I'm using China Glaze Liquid Leather)
Glitter nail polish (I'm using Color Club Gingerbread)

STEP 1- Apply your base colour (after base coat)

STEP 2 - Wipe the majority of glitter off the nail polish brush (so it's mostly dry)  

Now brush on some of the glitter onto the top 2/3 of the nail. Start from the tip and drag the polish towards the cuticle. The glitter should be sparse at this point.  

STEP 3 - Apply more polish to the top 1/3 of the nail now, make sure your brush doesn't have too much polish on as it will ruin the gradient effect. 
Drag the polish from the tip down again to help you spread the glitter out. 

STEP 4 - For the next step I like to have a good amount of glitter on the brush (not too much though!)

Apply a thick layer of glitter to the very tips of the nail, then wipe off the excess polish from the brush and blend the glitter slightly so there are no harsh clumps of glitter, which will ruin the gradient efftect. 

STEP 5 - Finally, when your gradient is dry, apply topcoat 

Right so that's fairly simple right, but just to help you a little bit further I've included this little diagram to show you some guidelines for applying the glitter!

For Step 1 apply a sparse layer of glitter upto the pink line, for Step 2 start at the tip and stop at the blue line, for Step 3 stop at the green line. 
Ok so I hoped that made things a bit clearer and didn't just confuse you lol !

Any questions please ask, any other requests please leave a comment and if you try this mani out be sure to share it with me as there's something exciting coming up!


  1. Thank you so much for the tutorial! I've always admired your glitter gradients (well, everything you post actually!). This was very helpful, I know what I've been doing wrong (too much glitter lol). Thanks again, you're awesome!

  2. Thanks for this because i always tend to mess up something

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