
Wednesday 17 April 2013


Hola ! How are you guys today, I'm so tired, its been a long day :( We had CPR training at work this morning and everyone ended up talking about my nail polish whilst I was doing chest compressions lol!

So I haven't really done any glitter gradients in like forever, mainly because every time I tried I used a makeup sponge for the glitter and it never worked out how I wanted it to. So a couple of weeks ago I saw someone mentioning that they just applied the glitter using the polish brush and though 'hey! let's give it a try' and I'm sharing the results with you today :)
I started off with 3 thin coats of Catrice Walk On Air and then used Butter London Rosie Lee for the glitter !  I'm actually really pleased with the way it turned out, If anyone wants to see a tutorial let me know and I'll rustle one up for ya!
Also one thing I wanted to mention about Rosie Lee is that the glitter is actually tiny square glitters, I thought they were hex shaped but no they're square and awesome :) If you enlarge the pictures you can see it more clearly!

So how do you guys feel about glitter gradients? I love it and I can guarantee you'll be seeing more of them in the near future!


  1. Oh lordy that Catrice is gorgeous! My favorite shade of coral/peach with shimmer! My favorite!!

    Love this gradient. I never get sick of gradients!

  2. This is a beautiful manicure, I love the Catrice one, may need to get it!

  3. Looks gorgeous! I would totally love to see a tutorial on ombred *sp?* glitter. I've tried and it didn't turn out so well. =/

  4. I love glitter gradients. They are my fav looks to do! This one is lovely!

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