
Sunday 31 March 2013


Hi guys, hope your all well :)
I wasn't sure if I should post this or not; I liked the pattern but didn't like the mani overall so it's a bit of a fail in my books, but hey blogging is not all about your successes right?
Anywho for this mani I started off with 2 coats of China Glaze Great Barrier Beige and then used pink acrylic paint to paint on the detail, this is where it kind of went all wrong. The acrylic paint wasn't pigmented enough and I had to go over it 3 times which left it looking patchy and untidy. 

I think I'll try this pattern out again but using different materials and hopefully it'll work out much better. 
What do you guys think about this one then and do you agree with posting your failures as well as your successes?

1 comment:

  1. I like it. I think when we blog about our nails we're so caught up on what the nails look like close up that we forget that most people will have a long view on them and they'll look awesome.

    I post nothing but my mistakes at the moment as I am very much a novice blogger and nail-art attempter!



I love all your comments, but please don't spam with your blog links, if you want me to look at your blog please drop me an email at instead, thanx : )