
Friday 1 March 2013


So here is the tutorial I promised you guys, sorry it's late I know some of you have been waiting for this, sorry to keep you waiting It's just I work afternoons/evenings on Friday so I don't get back until about 7.30. 
Anyway this is really simple to do and it's not supposed to be a neat design, so even if you aren't the best at nail art you'll be able to do this design :) 

What you will need 
Base Coat 
Base Colour (I'm using Kiko 339)
Another colour of your choice (I'm using Kiko 337)
Black & White nail polish/acrylic paint and a nail striper brush or the nail stripers you can buy such as the Art Deco ones (I'm using acrylic paint here, you can use what ever you have)
Top coat

STEP 1 -Apply your base colour (after base coat)

STEP 2- Using your black nail polish/acrylic paint and striper brush, do rough brush strokes and draw out the outline of the print (the shape you want to follow is an uneven triangle)

STEP 3 - Use your white nail polish/acrylic paint and striper brush to roughly draw on the white shapes & fill them in, leaving some of the black showing as an outline

STEP 4 - Use the second nail polish of your choice and roughly paint the middle shape on top of the white

STEP 5 - Finally top coat the whole design 

Simple, right? Try not to make your lines too perfect as it's the irregularity of the print that makes it look so awesome ! 
Any  questions just leave a comment and if you try this out please share with me, either leave a link in the comments or email me :)


  1. It seems easy to do. I like it very much ;)

  2. Thanks for the tutorial it really looks easy ;))

    1. Glad I could help! It is, you should try it :)

  3. It's look awesome <3
    I can't paint my nails :(
    I'm so awkward

  4. This art is underrated.....there are only few stores selling these kinds of stuff.....i came across a store which has unique kind of dressing stuff. You guys can check it out ikat dress material


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