
Sunday 24 March 2013


Hi guys, how are you all doing? 
I'm just enjoying a hot cup of tea whilst watching The Proposal (awesome movie!) The weather here has been crazy the past few days, we've had so much snow and it's been so cold! We had a snow day on Friday so I've spent the weekend with my family watching movies and wrapping up warm! How's your weekend been?
Anywho onto nail matters, as I've mentioned previously I am on a glequin kick and the most common comment I get about my glequin manis is how some of you don't have the patience or time to sit and glequify the whole nail. So I created this mani with you guys in mind, it's uber simple and quick to do, instead of applying glequins to the whole nail you can just apply them to the tips and it's still shiny and awesome looking. 
For these nails I started out with 2 coats of China Glaze Elephant Walk and then applied some topcoat to the tips and applied 2 rows of glequins at the tips and sealed it all in with a layer of topcoat!

Oh also as you can see I've started watermarking my photo's now I think it looks ok, but there is room for improvement, let me know what you think, it's not too distracting or anything like that for you guys?

Anyways I hope you guys give this a try, if you do leave me a link in the comments so I can check it out.
Ok then till next time :)

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