
Monday 4 February 2013


So recently I was contacted by the Born Pretty Store people asking if I wanted to review any of their products, well of course I said yes! I choose their stamping polish set which you can find here
I'm still a novice at stamping and so far haven't tried any special stamping polish so I was excited to see what these were like. 
All of the polishes were thick and pigmented and dried really fast !
 So I thought I'd show you  a mani I created with these polishes and then these stamped over white and black nail polish!

Ok, so for this mani I did 2 coats of Essie Lights, 1 coat of OPI I Lilly Love You and then using the black and white stamping polishes stamped on this hearts image from the CH-16 plate from the Cheeky Vibrant Collection ! 

Ok so this is very girly and very bright lol, not 100% my style but for some reason I really like this and as you can see both polishes worked well for stamping, again they dried really fast so when I stamped on my nail sometimes the image didn't transfer fully but it still looks good, right ! 

Ok, so quickly I'll show you each polish stamped over white and black

First up the white polish
Wow, this was amazing, really really pigmented and transfers really well ! 

The black was also pigmented and thick but I found it dried really fast and didn't transfer as well as I would have liked

The red one transferred well on the white aswell, but as you can see it's barely visible on the black , I added topcoat to make the colour pop a bit more but it's still really faint !

The yellow was the same as the red again, it was slightly more visible on the black than the red but still faint !

Finally the blue was the same as the 2 above, pigmented but faint on the black !

So as you can see the polish works really well over light colours, they transfer well and are very pigmented and they dry really fast which means you do have to work quickly otherwise it tends not to transfer too well onto the nail! Unfortunately it's very faint on the darker colours but I guess you could stamp white first and then stamp over it with the colours to make it more visible though! 
Would I recommend these? If you mainly like to stamp over dark colours then probably not, you'd probably be better offer picking up a single bottle of the white in that case, but If you don't mind stamping with white first and then the red/yellow/blue and you can line the stamping up then this set should be ok for you! 
If your looking to stamp over lighter colours or just to test out some stamping polishes then yes, these would be good for you and they're really cheap considering one Konad polish can cost upto £5/$7.88 !

If you decide to pick these up, or any other nail art supplies, you can use my discount code to get 10% off :)

*some of the products in this post were sent to me for my review. See my disclosure policy for more details

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