
Saturday 29 December 2012


Hi guys, so I kinda left this post till rather late, I managed to compile my list by this time yesterday and when it came to getting the post ready I realised I hadn't blogged about half of these polishes before : O. I know, right ! 
Anyway so today I was determined and I went and got all the polishes and swatched them again, I've left one though and it's currently on my nails, lets see if you can guess which one (I'll reveal the answer later on in this post)
Ok, so before I get into it, I know people will ask why there aren't any indie polishes here and that's because I haven't bought any! Yep that's right I resisted all year and the only one I bought was Sticks n' stones and that I got in a British blog sale! The reason I haven't bought any is because I know when I get one I'll want them all and I simply can't afford them all so I stay away from temptation, simples ! But I do love looking at all the swatches and really admire all Indie creators for there creativity. 

This is a long post so I've inserted a break

Ok so now let's get into the polishes, in no particular order ...

My favourite gold topcoat to come out this year : ) I love the smaller flakes and have a comparison post to show you soon !

Zoya - Bevin

Oh man, I love this colour and I wore it for 3 mani's in a row! Really gorgeous dusty sage colour

OPI - I don't give a Rotterdam

The only polish I got from the Holland Collection because I'd already got there Zoya dupes ! Again gorgeous colour with amazing silver shimmer and tiny black particles 

China Glaze - Riveting 

: o 
Do I really need to say anything about this ?   This is probably in my number 1 spot

I'm not a huge purple fan and I completely overlooked this one but I'm so so glad I got it because this glows from inside and this may just be sharing my number 1 spot with Riveting ! 

 Zoya - Skylar

Can I include this one as it's rather similar to IDGAR above! Oh well again I fell in love with this when I put it on !

Max Factor - Fantasy Fire  

Well this little pretty sure kicked up a stink when it was released earlier in the year ! Everyone wanted one and I'm so glad such a jewel was released here in the uk : ) Shame the bottle is so tiny though! (This is the one I'm currently sporting on my tips, it really is breathtakingly beautiful) 

I completley missed the release of this but the colour is to die for and the shimmer : o ! I think it'll be the perfect base colour for Beyu 209 (I am yet to try it though)

Very simple concept but it works soo well, I love love love this ! 

Kiko - 336

Who needs Baker Street when you can get it's dupe for half the price? This is again so so gorgeous and vibrant and I love this colour blue, come on summer so I can wear this all the time  ! 

Ok, so this isn't a polish but imo one of the best things to come out in 2012 for polish addicts 

PVA Glue Base Coat 

I poured mine into this bottle, so it's not really matte tc. 
So this is the best thing to be discovered this year in the polish world. I change my mani every single day and removal always puts me off but now I use this under  99% of my mani's and it saves me soo much time ! It also means I can crack out the glitters again ; )

Right so these are my picks, I hope I haven't forgotten anything ! 

The other thing I wanted to do was just see how my blog has improved over the year. I think my pictures have improved, I've got a decent setup for taking photo's now, I tried out several different bulbs and I'm pleased with the one I have now. Obviously there is still room for improvement and I hope to get a better camera when I can afford one to get some awesome macro shots like A Polish Addict
Two things I am proud of though are that I've really cut down on the number of pictures in each post, I use to post too many pictures before, now my average is about 3-5 which I think is ok ! 
Secondly one thing that always frustrated me was that there was no consistency in my photo's so every photo I would have a different hand pose and different backgrounds, but I think I've found one a background and a hand pose that works now ! 
I've finally given into stamping so expect to see more of them in the new year 

And now I'll leave you with my favourite nail art of the year : ) 


Best collection of the year: Zoya True Spring 

Best polish brand of the year: Can't decide, maybe China Glaze ! 

Worst polish brand of the year:  Ciate (only because of the whole caviar drama!)

Best Trends: Gold flake topcoats & Gradients

Worst Trends : Texture polishes and manis (make me cringe) 

Wow, that was a long post I think I covered eveything, I hope your still all with me ;) 
So let me know what your favourite polishes and trends of the year were :) 


  1. Love these posts. Added a few to my wish list.

  2. Nice and shinny nails, nail art is not an easy task and you girls deserve applaud for it as you do it so neatly. Thank you for sharing such good post


I love all your comments, but please don't spam with your blog links, if you want me to look at your blog please drop me an email at instead, thanx : )