
Wednesday 12 December 2012


Hi guys hope your all doing well, happy 12/12/12! : )  
So my iphone finally came yesterday (about time) and I've spent the day messing with it and I've finally sorted everything out, I am also now on instagram and you can follow me, my username is nail_loopy (I'll add the widget thingy on the right hand side soon too) Also you can now like me on Facebook (the link is on the contact me page, again I'll add the button when I get a chance) 
Also I got some epic nail mail today which I shared on my twitter so go and check it out and follow to see sneaky peeks of upcoming posts and awesome nail mail ; )
So here is another Christmas themed mani, I't didn't turn out perfectly but that's what I like about it (I've also done a tutorial for this design which I'll include in a post later)
It's very simple to do but I got quite a few compliments on it

What do you think? It's simple, easy to do but cute nails for the holidays  : D 
Take care mes amis and I'll talk to you all tomorrow 


  1. I think it looks great! It reminds me of peppermint candy ice cream that's a bit melted. Peppermint candy ice cream has always been one of my favorites. :)

    1. Thankyou, I've never tried peppermint ice cream think I will have to now though ;)


I love all your comments, but please don't spam with your blog links, if you want me to look at your blog please drop me an email at instead, thanx : )