
Thursday 22 November 2012


Heey, how's everybody doin' ? Despite my cheery mood we are still having internet problems which means we don't have internet for like 16 hours a day so I can't post everyday , seriously Sky sort it out, urgh!
Anyways, let's talk nails. I picked up this beauty for £1 from the pound shop ! I've wanted this polish for ageess and almost bought it for £12 from Evilbay, I'm soo glad I waited, good things come to those who wait ; ) 
So this is 2 coats of Amber Ruby over 1 coats of OPI  Mat-adore Red (btw. it was raining when I took these pictures)

check out the amazing shimmer 

Rubbish underwater picture which looks all metallic 

Wow, this polish is freaking gorgeous, seriously it's shot straight up to my top 5 polishes ever, the only downside to this polish is that it takes forever, seriously forever to dry ! Seriously after 1 hour it was still really dentable ! But Seche vite helped : )
So yeah, you will see this polish again in my next post!


  1. wow this is amazing! I really love the pictures with the rain drops on them too haha!

  2. This is so pretty! And what a bargain! Will have to keep my eyes peeled at the pound shop.

    1. It's even more gorgeous in person, I found these in August though so not sure if you'll still be able to find them, good luck though

  3. I need to see if I can find this polish :)
    Here in Finland we do have Sally Hansen polishes but only a few shades so I am not sure if I can find this... I love it though :)

    1. The prism line was discontinued ages ago and are kind of htf now but I hope you find them from somewhere : )


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