
Tuesday 21 August 2012


Hi guys, I'm really sorry I haven't posted in such a long time ! It's been a busy & nervous week ; ) Those of you in the uk will know that the A level results were released on Thursday , so I was a nervous wreck last week but thankfully I got 2 A's & a B : D 
Anyway yeah so then for the weekend we went to my uncles house (he lives at the seaside : ) and we decided to go to the Lake District on Saturday, which is honestly a gorgeous place, and the weather was amazing too : ) We had such a good day and took soo many pictures : ) 
Anyways so we came home yesterday, stuck on the motorway for 2 hours in traffic because of a stranded lorry ! So yeah I didn't really get much time to type up this post for you but I promised myself to do it today for you guys : )

So here is another of the w7 sprinkles - Salt and Pepper, needless to say I love this, the layered look of the glitter is gorgeous, this was 2 coats below and it wasn't gritty either ! I wore this matte but I can't seem to find the pictures I may have forgotten to take any ! oops, sorry !

Anyways, so yeah I say anyway a lot ! oops, sorry. 
Do you guys have this? Do you like it ? Me? I love it : D 
Till next time guys, take care : p


  1. I love the polish! It looks great and very unique!

  2. I love this, it looks like thousands of layers on your nails!

  3. This is beautiful! I saw somewhere that this looks like the inside of a dragonfruit and it totally does! Such a cool and unique polish.

  4. Well done on your results they're brilliant! Hope you get into your uni choice. Love this polish too :-)

  5. It's so pretty, I recently bought it and Lava Flow too :) - thanks for sharing!


I love all your comments, but please don't spam with your blog links, if you want me to look at your blog please drop me an email at instead, thanx : )