
Sunday 24 June 2012


Yep hello again everyone, how is everyone keeping I hope your all well, it's been such a long time since I spoke to you all, well all my exams finished today so I am now free for the rest of the summer I have some exciting stuff planned which I'll be sharing with you all soon! : )

So I've been on a no buy this month and I'm so proud with myself I really stuck to it the only thing I got was the Jessica hologram chic set which was a bargain so I couldn't not get it, and I also got some exciting nail mail from Brazil, which I'll be showing you all soon : )

I can't wait to paint my nails again they're been polish free for about a month !
Anyway I hope to be posting a lot more now, I know I've been pretty rubbish at posting all year but as you can imagine it's been busy ! I may be a bit slow on posting next week because my grandads come to stay with us and I'm want to spend lots of time with him : )

Anyway yeah so I just wanted to update you all and hopefully I'll have some mani's for you soon, also I've had to get rid of my blog roll because quite a few of them had malware issues or whatever so yeah !

Gorgeous hits holos !

Jessica Hologram chic, Ludurana supremo, fascinate (gorgeous sally hansen amber ruby)

                               Lol anyway take care and I'll talk to you all soon : )


  1. I want it ALL! Where did you buy your Jessica polishes at?

    1. I got mine from ebay but you can find them at too :)

  2. Looks like great polishes, and I can't wait to see them on! :)

  3. Lucky, lucky you - they look gorgeous all of them!!

  4. Great great great haul! Only amazing polish!! xD


I love all your comments, but please don't spam with your blog links, if you want me to look at your blog please drop me an email at instead, thanx : )