
Saturday 30 June 2012


I'm sorry this post is late, I've been having laptop issues and I'm ill : ( My throat hurts, my chest is on fire and my ears are messing up too : ( 

But anyway here's a mani I had on before my exams which I never showed you, I got these beautiful China Glaze Prismatics from Rochelle a while ago and decided to layer one coat of them over black to really bring out the duochrome, I only had 3 colours so I did it in the style of China Glaze's cocktail  mani which I saw here
I layered ray-diant on the pinky, full spectrum on the accent nail and then optical illusion on the other 2 fingers and the thumb : )

Not totally focused but look at the duochrome here ! *swoon*

Which has more sparkle? The nails loll ! ; p

I'm glad I layered it over black because the duochrome really came out to play :  D

On another note my phone broke a couple of days ago, it just keeps crashing and the apps are all messing up and it's really annoying me : ( It's sooooo frustrating but it's gone in for repair now so fingers crossed !
Anyway I'll talk to you all soon : )


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