
Saturday 12 May 2012


Oh em geeee, I am officially hooked on gradients, It's all I want to do on my nails, anyway I did one yesterday and I absolutely love this one !

I got some Julieg polishes the other day in the mail, which I was sooooo excited about because I love Julie and loved her polishes too, and seeing as it was Friday I wanted to wear fashion friday but decided to do a gradient  with girls night out ( which is the most amazing vibrant gorgeous blue everrr) and fashion friday
This time I used a kitchen sponge again, for my last gradient (which I have yet to post) I used a makeup sponge but it just absorbed tooo much polish and I wasn't happy with the result, so I went back to this sponge and I loved the final result

Now you'll have to trust me when I say this mani looked awesome irl, It was a pain in the behind to photograph because the camera wouldn't pick up the awesomeness of the blue and then decided to make the purple blue too ! Aargh, anywho I managed to get a few pics !

Sorry for the funny coloured skin ! and the bubbles I used the colour club topcoat and I don't know what it did but it made all these bubble/bump things ! 

Do you like it?


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