
Friday 20 April 2012

FISH EGG FRIDAY (a week late !)

So by now I'm sure your all familiar with last weeks Caviar drama, but in case you aren't check out this post at Anna's blog.
I for one was shocked and can safely say I will never give a penny to Ciate ever again, I'm sure most bloggers will agree. But they always say good comes out of bad and through all of this it was lovely to see the blogging community sticking up and supporting one another, I was soo upset I wasn't able to post this last week but I didn't have any beads and they only came yesterday so I whipped this up for you : )

I wanted it to be quite springy so I used china glaze kinetic candy I wanted to go for something a little bit different so I tried a gradient effect, hhm well that didn't go too well loll, anyway have a look for yourselves

Well, this mani tbh lasted the whole of 3 minutes, They were so impractical and they kept falling off and one little bead went up my nose ! LOL !

Anyway I loved seeing everyone's mani's last week if you did one leave a link in the comments : )


  1. one went up your nose??!!

    1. Loll, it did indeed, I don't recommend it ; )

  2. you're not late. (: it's an ongoing thing if bloggers want to. i didn't get to do mine today but next friday, it's on.

  3. This is way cute! There is a way to make the beads more secure but it requires much much patience.

    my original #fisheggfriday post:

    Current bridal version:

    Of course, I'll add a link here to this post from my current #fisheggfriday!

  4. I love the look of these but your right, they are impractical!


I love all your comments, but please don't spam with your blog links, if you want me to look at your blog please drop me an email at instead, thanx : )