
Sunday 5 February 2012


Yep Ladies, I got these awards ages ago, but better late than never right?

First up is the Cute Blog Award from Ashesela


Thankyouuu girl : ) 

For this award you:

1. Link back to the person who awarded you
2. Answer the award questions
3. Tell something about yourself that you haven't told anyone on your blog yet
4. Award as many blogs as you think are worthy of this award
5. Make sure to let those you gave this award to know that you awarded them.

The Award Questions:
1)  What is your go to makeup product?
      My eyeliner (gel) and mascara and bronzer, but I don't do my makeup daily ! 

2) What was your favourite fashion trend of 2011? 
     Oh gosh, I can't think of anything now ! Probably the floral trend that came out in spring/summer 

3) What is your favourite dessert? 
     I think I've said this before but I'm not really a dessert person, but I guess it'd probably be profiteroles (it changes a lot ; )

4) Favourite colour? 
     Green !! and blue 

5) What is your middle name ? 
     Next Question please ...

6) What was the last song that you listened to ?
     Lego House by Ed Sheeran (I looove that song )

7) Cats or Dogs? 
     Cats ! In fact our cat ran away and disappeared for a week and we were so worried because noone had seen here, but she came back 2 days ago and the poor thing must have been trapped somewhere because she had lost a lot of weight and I think her tail was trapped aswell because it was all swollen and she couldn't lift it up and the poor thing just looked so upset, but she's on the mend 

8) Something about myself that you don't know 

     There's probably a lot you don't know about me but my mind's gone blank !?!? 
     (OK, I'll come back to this and edit it ! )

And I have far too many blogs to award this too, so if your reading this, consider yourself tagged ! : )

Ok and the 2nd award is from Heather
Thankyou Heather : ) 

- Copy & Paste the award on your blog
- Thank the giver & link back to them on your blog
- Reveal your top 5 picks & let them know by leaving a comment on their blog

Oh gosh, It's hard to pick 5, ok I award this to 

and if you want to try this too consider yourself tagged ! : )


  1. Congratulations on the awards! I've tagged you in the 11 Question's tag:


I love all your comments, but please don't spam with your blog links, if you want me to look at your blog please drop me an email at instead, thanx : )