
Wednesday 11 January 2012


Hello ladies, hope your all doing well, me? I'm stressing out like you woudln't believe !
Anyway I just wanted to let you all know my exams in less than 2 weeks and so I won't have the time to  post before they're over !
I have cute all my nails down to nubs to avoid the temptation to do my nails loll and so far it's working !
I'm expecting some lovely polish soon and will share that all with you after my exams finish
anywayss... wish me luck and I shall talk to you all again soon, take care xx


  1. I wish you the best of luck!! I'm sure that you will do a wonderful job. ^-^ Relax as much as you can and we are looking forward to your return!

  2. Good Luck with your exams! Know exactly what you're feeling, have mine next week! arghh. Look forward to your return.

  3. Hope all is going well - soon it will be over! Best wishes, looking forward to seeing the "lovely" polishes you mentioned! Take care, see you soon. :)


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