
Saturday 12 November 2011


i never thought i'd own an nfu oh, let alone one of their amazing holo's, but i managed to get this a few weeks ago in a blog sale, but today is the first day i've seen any sun and so i grabbed the opportunity, this is a very, very pic heavy post, you have been warned !!

how insanely gorgeous is this? 

you have to enlarge these !! 

there was not sun here, don't quite understand how this holo appeared loll, but i aint complaining ! 

i know people are unhappy with the dullness of this polish when it's not in bright lights but i personally don't find it too dull, yes the holo isn't insanely strong but it's still there ! and the colour is really pretty anyway so i don't mind. 
the one thing i am slightly upset about is the wear, you must all know how bad the wear is, i had chips and tipwear after about 6 hours ! which is quite upsetting : (, the application isn't the easiest but it isn't as bad as i was expecting. 
overall i luurrve this nail polish and if you ever get the chance to pick this up, make sure you do, do any of you own this? what are your views on it?


  1. Whoaaa nice buy! I don't have any of these polishes yet, but I'm definitely hoping to get one of the holos in the near future! The holo looks intense!!!!

  2. @the sneakerette : i really hope you get one, the holo is crazy intense loll !

  3. Gorgeous photos! I have it but still I crazy? lol

  4. Holy Holos!! This polish is amaaazing! Hoping I get this for Christmas. :D

  5. Incredible! Your photos do this polish justice :) You are lucky to have it!

  6. Looks great! and your pictures are awesome! I don't have this polish. (wish I did)

  7. @ nailderella : thanx, oh my gosh u have to use it now !!! : P

    @ Kirshten : loll, i hope you get it too, let me know if you do : )

    @ Gotham Polsh : thankyouuu ; )

    @ Nail Reflections : thankyouu, awww i hope you get it soon

    @ imfeelingnail-venturous : loll, i wish i could get one for you all : )

  8. Gorgeous color
    When you applied Nfu oh or Gosh holograms you must wear special base coat or nothing before holo polishes ;)


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