
Friday 26 August 2011


sorry ladies these posts haven't been very interesting, i have been sooo busy this paast week with stuff at home and arrgh, lol so this is one of the glitter i showed you in my haul post, i picked this up from the market as it looked really pretty and the bottle is 18ml too !

it flashes the most gorgeous green at some angles !
gorgeous? oui oui, these pictures need to be enlarged

its layered over china glaze stone age, i really liked this combo, it looked super pretty imo

BUT there were some cons with this nail polish it stunk to the high heavens, coverage was pretty poor this was about 4 coats to get this and finally it took forever to dry, so i took this off after about 20 minutes and it still wasn't dry *sigh* and i really wanted to mattify this but i didn't have 2 hours spare for this to dry ! loll

sooo..... i don't think i'll ever be using this again but i'm not sure ! 
ok i promise to have something a little more exciting soon : ) 


  1. I LOVE the big chunky glitter. Long drying is definitely the worst! It is a very pretty color despite that.

  2. Sorry it was stinky and never dried. I hate that!!


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