
Tuesday 26 July 2011

MR HAPPY : ) :)

hey everybody, this was supposed to be a scheduled post but i'm here, i was meant to be staying at my uncle n aunties house but unfortunately they were burgled last night so i thought i'll delay my trip for another week or two :  (

anyway this mani is actually completely the opposite of what i'm feeling right now but i have to share this with you, i decided i'd like to do all the mr. men and little miss, well actually i was inspired by a drawing i did a couple of years ago which featured all my favourite mr men and little miss and i thought i'd do this on my nails,  this is the only one i've actually done on my real nails, i've done others but they're on false nails, i'll show you them all when i'm finished, ok so here you are  
 it was supposed to say mr men, but i ran out of space and so it's mr. me loll
this pointy finger was a complete failure and so i cropped it out of the other pictures but i included one 

 and i also realised that this orange base was completely wrong, but oh well ! 

ok ladies, well here you go hope you like him and am feeling in a similar mood to him loll 


  1. I love it! it's so cute! I'm looking forward to your other manis!

  2. I had thoughts to do these guys myself! You beat me to it, and they're adorable! I can't wait to see the rest that you do!

  3. I love,love,LOVE this!!! Mr. Happy and his gang were some of my fav. books growing up. :-)


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