
Wednesday 29 June 2011


hi everyone, how are you all
i'm in a good happy mood today,  we had a leaving bbq at school for all of us today (even though i'm not leaving yet *sob* another year to go) and we had such a good time, yes it did decide to rain and be freezing cold, and yes the lads burnt half the food, but we were all together and we had such a laugh, and i know tomorrow when i go into school and they won't be there i'll get really upset, it's funny you never realise how much you'll miss someone until they've gone,  and i'm going to miss everyone soooooooooooooooo much but anyway because i'm in a good mood i've finally plucked up the courage to show you guys this mani, i really didn't want to, it's kind of a fail in my eyes, i had hoped it would turn out a lot better *shrug* but oh well ! i guess its a part of blogging showing your fails as well as your successes
ok shield your eyes now ! 

ok maybe i exaggerate a teeny tiny bit, loll 
. .

1 comment:

  1. these are cute i added u to my blog roll


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