
Tuesday 24 May 2011


hi everyone, how are you all? did you miss me ? lol
ok so i said i wouldn't be posting till my exams finished, but omggg its killing me lol i only had my first exam this morning and i have 2 more left *sigh*
so i'm posting today, when i should be revising lol, but shhh, dont let my mum know otherwise i might lose my laptop lol!
im reallly sorry i dont have any pictures of nails today, but i just wanted to say that recently ive been looking at all the amazing giveaways everyone has, and i really really want to do one too, so i think once i reach 50 lovely followers ill host a giveaway and then when i get to 100 ( if i ever do, lol) ill have a bigg one lol, ooh im so excited hehe, ill probably buy everything like in the next week lol
alright well  wish me luck with my exams and i shall have some awesome piccies for you soon

bye bye bye bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (i dont know if you can tell but im feeling a bit hyper today lol )!!

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