
Thursday 8 December 2016


Hey guy, another post? Yep! So a long long time ago The Body Shop sent me 3 nail polishes and a dotting tool and asked for this penguin design. 
I'm really sorry it's so late but better late than never? This is so easy to do, the only tool I used was the dotting tool. I'm pretty sure I did a tutorial, where that is though I'm really not sure?! oops
So I can't remember the name of the colours, I'll check when I go back home! 

Anyway, paint on a black base, use the white(ish) colour to dot the eyes near the cuticle and then outline and fill in the white tummy of the penguin. Once it's dry use the orange to paint on the feet and nose. With the black dot on the eyes and finally use the white colour again to do the final dot of the eyes. 
It's really easy and looks so cute! So give it a try!
You can get all the colours here and the dotting tool here. They make really good stocking fillers! 


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